Google Map Markers from Textbox not working

Hello, can someone help me with this basic code for the marker. Here is my block. im trying to get the latitude and longitude from textboxes. i even check it by having labels. The problem is, it seems the markers wont show if its from textbox, or even from labels, although the move camera is working with it. I tried putting numbers in it instead of variables and it works, but i need to have an input from textbox. Thank you in advance. (I already search for topics like this but nothing is the same with this scenario)


Sorry. my bad, its actually longitude also, i tried labels.text, textbox.text and direct numbers, only in the numbers will the markers show up.

  1. Use this:
  2. Did you fill in an API code?
  3. Did you test as apk?
  1. Yes i tried it also
  2. Yes i have and i fill up the API code.
  3. Yes, in all the testing, i manage to show the markers but only by providing a direct number.

It seems the problem is that the text from textbox is not numbers(which i doubt because i test it with is number but it also shows True) it said Double(Required)

Did you try, instead of placing the variables, placing values and testing if your blocks are all correct?

He did so.

Try to do It suggested by @pepocero

In input type choose decimal number. It is the option input type 8

Thank you all for the help, i have tested and read also that raw data from textbox and some database like tinydb are not treated as number. i just converted them first to number by manipulating it with formula like multiplying by 1.

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