Do like this:
Set label1. text to get start value ( you will find this block in the control blocks )
Ok I’ll try it thanks
I did it but my app isn’t showing after I click on link … Just my 2 browsers are showing chrome and puffin
Did you enabled deep links in the webview?
Yes and it is working fine … My app is showing after I click on any link but i don’t how to show that url which user clicks… on label
Just do this.I’ve tried and its working perfectly
In which screen I should add DeepLink?
i think screen1Because it’s the screen that opens first.
Ok thanks I’ll try it
It isn’t working I’m giving my aia to you can you plz fix it
test1.aia (8.6 KB)
I just added DeepLink extension only in this project
So the app is opening but nothing show in the label?
BTW, no label in your aia
i’ve found the issue.The problem is that you are settign the label text to the start value in screen2.That must be in screen1 !
Oh ok I’ll try it
That’s strange,Can you tell me what happen exactly.Or capture a screenshot.
If I click on link My app doesn’t show in list … Just my 2 browsers only show
Have you set Scheme and host correctly.
If using this url
Host :
Scheme : https
Btw, there are topics related to it, you must search in Community.
how to use this component with webviewer module of kodular?
will the url open directly in the app or we will get browser options?