HELP Fully shadowed APK Upload error in play console

Hello, friends got this error when updating my app in google play console. I have searched in the community but no use all methods are old and not working now please suggest new ideas. and according to me, these problems comes from the compiler!

pro1|666x443 .

Related link: APK will not be served because it is shadowed - AppyBuilder

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This APK will not be served to any users because it is completely shadowed by one or more APKs with higher version codes. - QnA.

Once check this…

But my version code is change.

As i can see in picture, your old apk has version code 1 and new has version code 4.


New apk version code should be 2…

First tried version 2 but the same error.

Is the error solved?

show screenshot from screen1 advanced properties from kodular creator

NOt solved

The package name is default