Help me make slidable layout with this extension

I have an extension this one: firstly I would like to thank to the dev who made it and provided us for free.

I would like to make an slidable layout just like whatsapp with this extension I am using kodular for very different purposes but as I am beginner I don’t know how can I create slidable layout like whatsapp with this extension so I would be thankful if can anyone give me aia example or blocks stuff like what can I do? I have heard something with pager component but I am not sure.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bubble Slider | A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected

Hello @Taifun Sorry to mention you but you have merged my post in wrong thread:

You have merged it here Bubble Slider | A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected instead of [F/OS] 🎁Bubble Tab Bar | Add cool navigation bar in your apps please fix it if possible I don’t want to receive flag in this community PLEASE.

One more thing that thank you so much for developing such great extensions they are very much useful for me I always wanted to thank you but today I got the chance with the help of this post.

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I just tried to find the moved posts again, but I was unable to find them?
did someone else already move them to the correct location?


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No they are here still

Direct link: Bubble Slider | A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected - #6 by Hmmm

posts moved

Thank you so much now noone will flag my post

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