Help Runtime Error while installing the update of app

This my Block

and this is the error

in the companion the block is OK

but when i already installed it to my phone then launch the click the button thats the error

My OS is Android 9.0

Are you using custom package name if so


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There is no universal solution to install an app with Activity Starter. I recommend this extension by Juan Antonio:
[App Install extension]

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when i used the extension nothing happen theres no error also

What are your blocks?

this is my block

its OK with the companion but when i compile it to apk nothing happens

What is the file name? Is it defines an .apk?

i tried .tmp from web1 and i tried .apk from exact path of file both nothing happens

what about learning how to debug your blocks?
to find out, what the value of the parameter file Name is, just display it in a label…
see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps



Your error show null object reference , make sure you do not pass anything null like any variable or something

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As your both examples works on companion, reply to this

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

If yes, remove it then and try it as apk
If no, sorry don’t have a clue



Thank you for all of your Response
problem solved!

i used an extension named APK_INSTALLER i saw it in youtube…