How can I Know that 1 month is over and member ship is over

Hello Kodular Community

I am making a app in which ones the users login then they got 1 month login subscription And as there 1 month is over in the firebase there is a bucket named as status in that expired value should come

Infact, I know the user expired date and start date is there any option to change the value after 1 month

Please help me

  1. Use In-App Billing
  2. Once user purchase save the expiry date and time just by adding 30 days from current date.
  3. whenever user logged in just call this future and compare with current date(call online date and time to avoid mis use of the user)

Thats all!

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In app billing has too high fees. from 15% to 30%. The payment system I use, for example, charges only 4% + 0.4brl for transaction, which in my case means 4.8% fee. It is 3 times less.

In my case I use pagseguro, which is very used in my country, but Paypal is better choice for most of the countries.


Block example Can You Give Me Please I Request You It Will Be Easy For Me

Please Bhiya Provide me I am not able to understand properly

i have created topic for something as you are telling me something else but thanks for your reply

Please reply me

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To help You I Have a Solution
Use Another Database like Airtable in that Your User Data should be Stored along with Subscription Information. After your App has Detected if One Month is Completed update Value of the Specific Row And Change you Subscription Status to False or Expired.

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I am so sorry for the spam

The main problem is that how I will know that the one month is over for example if the user doesn’t login on the expire date then how I will know that the date is greater than the device date tell me

Please Help Me

Add your own logic

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Use Background Tasks

When user open app get data expire date from firebase and compare it with current date which you can get from world time API. If current date is after from expire date then save data on firebase that user plan expired. But do it whenever user open app. Simple as that.

Just use this extension to compare dates.

Thanks You So Much !

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Instead of getting clock now get milli, you can use use milli from online… which will prevent the users to mis use by adjusting system date and time. You can refer my TinyTimer Extension too

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I have made subscription model from airtable

Ya Even I Suggested to Use Airtable.

Your question was already answered by Still Learning. I only added another point to what he said, that in app billing has to much high fees. If you don’t think it is relevant, just ignore.

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