How is this Qr Scanner & Maker (Beta Version)

What is the name of your app?

Qr Scanner & Maker

Describe your app:

This is beta version. I’m still working in this app.
And Can Anyone suggest me some ideas?


App Store/Download link:

QR_ScanMaker.apk (6.4 MB)

AIA file (Optional)

PM Me for Aia file :full_moon_with_face:

Credit : @Soft_Darsh

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I think to get some feedback on your app you have to let the users use your app for sometime.

It’s not possible to give feedback based on some screenshots only.

Okay i will do this… Thanks for suggest :relaxed::relaxed:

Yes i waiting for some one to contribute :grimacing:

Really. There is ton of apps and aia like this.

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Wait… I have seen this app on other post, with the same UI and the apk


Can you tell if what you made is all your own? The original developer don’t mind you use his code. But you are asking money for the aia.

I’m asking for money because … i am going to add some new features and removing the older one

Edit this topic when you have changed enough things in the aia and i will list it again. I see you credited the original developer now.

You need to post free aia also, which original developer shared in her post or link to that post in your thread if any user want to see free aia and after that you edit and sell it paid