How is use method ondisconnect on firebase user present on kodular?!

Like When you kill the app, you are triggering an explicit disconnect. In that case the client will send a signal to the server that it is disconnecting and the server will immediately execute the onDisconnect callback.

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i think you can use a notifier as exit, yes or no, on yes send any data to firebase and then exit, if user close app by back press or any exit button, not when close forcefully

The problem is if user kill app by task killer or lost net user still on …i need auto prom server firesbase but cant apply that to kodular​:expressionless:


you can use a timer to send time stamp of user to firebase every 2 second, when user goes offline or kill app, then there update time will be turn off and last time shows that user was online that time and not online now. you know firebase website shows when updating anything ,show user tags yellow when update


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it cant be applied , anyone have to create extenstion for it
i tried but cant do becauase of 1 error