How many airtable spreadseet can I use?

I want to know, how many airtable spreadsheets can I use, because I used two spreadsheets and app crashing badly. but I use one spreadsheet its work perfectly. :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: plz help. @Boban

In One base I used 8 tables. It worked fine. Make sure that total rows do not exceed 1200. Because it supports only 1200 rows. There is no limit of using the table. However make as low as possible to make the app work quickly

but in my app not working, i am making wallpaper app.

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Probably your blocks aren’t correct. If you don’t share what you tried how others can help you?

Use Image Utilities component…
If you load multiple images at once then app crashes
Load images asynchronously… (one after another)

i don’t know, how to use Use Image Utilities component, and how to get data one by one, so can you send me any aia or block. I could check :pray: :pray: