How to block vpn users in app?

any one how can make a system like if user use vpn then ads will not shown in my app if he/she disconnect vpn then ads will shown anyone can provide me blocks image or aia?

I think this would not be possible if possible then Makeroid can create extension for it or taifun

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its 100% possible without extention…
Only one extension needed( its also not mandetory :wink:)

Use this site’s API to know the Ip location of user

Hope It helped you :neutral_face:

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can you make some block image or aia like if user is on real ip then ads shown in app if not then ads 100% not shown in app with help of network tool extension if possible

I use a system-wide Ad Block… So just preventing VPN users from using your app wouldn’t be enough to guarantee AD income.

What is that ?

What is what?

What is system wise adblock

System-wide Ad block means no ADs will be shown on my phone, whether it’s on a website or in an app. Custom AD integrations like those of developers simply advertising their own services in their apps without implementing an actual AD network, will however work.

Read this to find your solution

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You can use this to detect a vpn user.

This topic is 2 years late, so there is no interest for anyone else. I’m going to unlist and close this topic.