How to count the user is reduced if exiting using the recent task minimize in the chat application

how to count the user is reduced if exiting using the recent task minimize in the chat application
minimize like this task killer

You could have a variable that counts number of users. Each time a user enters the variable increases by 1. Each time a user exits decrease the variable by 1.

Also, why did you create this new topic with a different account when you have already asked the same question in My questions is if app chat close by task killer in minimize how to count decrease user has left by task killer minimise…

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When Screen.On App Pause
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Can you show the block when task killier reduce user eit

How about if in task killer user are not exit by bottom…but they use task killer

My questions is if app chat close by task killer in minimize how to count decrease user has left by task killer minimise…i

Any body know how is work?

I am not sure if I understood correctly but I think it is not possible with Kodular apps.
But I don’t think it is very important either. I can’t imagine myself needing that information.

But well, a workaround that may help you - probably not - is to create a clock who will load at each one second or whatever. The clock save the time using a tinydb and when the app is closed using back button the information “app closed 0h0s0m”
When initialize the app verify if the last information on database was it. If not may be the app was killed…
Take a look at “when app pause” or “when screen pause” block too. I am not sure how it works but it can help too I guess

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Thank u sir…i was try it …but mybe that for a while best answer…