How to create an Extension

If you know how to do the build.gradle and dependencies then i would say YES else NO​:smiley:

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I’m not gonna build the whole thing for you buddy, I’ll help you with starting but, not doing the whole thing for you.

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You don’t have to do the whole thing, then what’s the fun for me? I have no idea how to do the build.gradle and dependencies thingy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Neither do I. I think to import libraries though, you can do this.

@UsesLibraries(libraries = "firebase.jar")

So now your extension at the top should look like this.

@DesignerComponent(version = 0,
                   description = "",
                   category = ComponentCategory.EXTENSION,
                   nonVisible = true,
                   iconName = "websiteToIcon")
@SimpleObject(external = true)
@UsesLibraries(libraries = "firebase.jar")
@UsesPermissions(permissionNames = "android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE, android.permission.READ_PHONE_NUMBERS") // For example
public class ExtensionName extends AndroidNonvisibleComponent implements Component {

To add multiple, just do what I did with the permissions (separate with ,)

Taken from at MIT Sources

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I don’t think what i am trying to do has a library so i am here trying to do the impossible and actually ending up doing nothing :sweat_smile:

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Ok, well if you need a list of libraries go here then click TOOLS and goto View Libraries.

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If this guide is old, and you shouldn’t listen to it, why is it still pinned?


error in step 5
[java] Exception in thread “main” java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: File not found at: C:\AppInventor-Source\appinventor\blocklyeditor…\lib\closure-library\closure\goog
[java] at
[java] at org.plovr.Manifest.getInputs(
[java] at org.plovr.Manifest.getFiles(
[java] at org.plovr.Manifest.getFiles(
[java] at org.plovr.Manifest.getAllDependencies(
[java] at org.plovr.Manifest.getInputsInCompilationOrder(
[java] at org.plovr.Manifest.getCompilerArguments(
[java] at org.plovr.CompileRequestHandler.compile(
[java] at org.plovr.cli.BuildCommand.runCommandWithOptions(
[java] at org.plovr.cli.BuildCommand.runCommandWithOptions(
[java] at org.plovr.cli.AbstractCommandRunner.runCommand(
[java] at org.plovr.cli.Command.execute(
[java] at org.plovr.cli.Main.mainWithExitCode(
[java] at org.plovr.cli.Main.main(

please help me

Run this command

git submodule init
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thank you soo much just read it in github how to guide

Does anyone know what’s wrong?


Found this on Stackoverflow:


Thank you @Ken
On his way.
I tried this, but it didn’t work.

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Link not working. Please update!
It will help us alot.

I cannot update the links to whatever is on this Community that is mine, because I no longer have it on my computer. When I was banned from the community, I either uploaded it to Google Drive or deleted it from my computer, this is one that got deleted.

I’ve started learning to build extensions. That could help me alot and maybe more like me.

Maybe @KodularCreator team can help as I think file is available but access denied.

Not able to download this please upload

I’m aware that non can download this file. When I can upload it again, I will upload it again. Right now is not the time to do so for me.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Build failed while trying to build an extension using the App Inventor sources