How to create dialog like this

Please tell me how to create notifier dialog box like thisIMG_20210105_111521

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You can try using cardview, material icons and 2 labels.

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Thanks.But is there a simple extension foe this

Did you read the whole post?

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Yeah​:yum::yum:.But I did not find any extension in that topic @Alaqmar_Bohori

That is a guide
Why do you want an extension?
It is possible with inbuilt components.
Maayur only used Phase to add some animations, but without using Phase, it is still possible


Okay I understand I knew that I could use animation utilities.But I wanted to know whether there is an extension to make the blocks much less.Anyway thanks for responding .

And what will you do if the extension developer doesn’t respond when there is a problem or stops developing the extension? So it is always good to try to see if you can make something with the standard components without the use of extensions.


Maybe this extension can help :point_down:


Thanks for the information.I will use the basic components

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But I agree with @Peter here :point_down:


Yes, I used it too.
It works great… Set the transparency of the layout to 80% and design it as you like…