How to create Dynamic View Pager| Guide

I know it, … animation :grin:

Yeah! :shushing_face: :shushing_face:

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You can use phase for animation.

No. The extension which I did not mention here is related to ViewPager. We can’t do that with Phase extension.

I Can !

RaspyMagentaQuokka.aia (124.7 KB)



Heya, may i have the aia file or tutorial for this project? it looks great!

No, it was from a paid project, i shown it just for reference.

You can create that view by using page viewer and bottom navigation.

Connect page viewer with bottom navigation bar.

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is there any similar example cause i cant add my icon on pageviewer and if i just use buttons it doesnt animate in between pages like in tabs on pageviewer
Thank you

Not true, It will animate when you connect page viewer with bottom navigation from blocks.

Just like this

PageViewerWithBottomNav.aia (4.9 KB)


Thanks a lot, now i saw my mistake^^

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Hello while trying to use this example on my project i came across with another problem,
When i use view pager and connect it with my tabs on bottom the view pager tab itself appears on the top no matter if i name my tabs or change its size. Is there a way to hide view pagers top bar and make it work like in your example? what did you change to make it work but not display the top bar,
Thank you.
Edit: I solved it, turns out it was an experimental feature.

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Thanks you