How to create recyclerview in kodular

Loading data from Airtable takes time, you can use other database.

It’s easy to use, for which function did you need the guide, I will try it after the hackathon ends :grin:


Can you suggest a good and fast loading database.

Firebase :fire:

But it is costly when you reach free quota.

I need a spreadsheet type database because it is very easy to get and show lists.

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Google sheets

It loads data fast?

Mysql is faster.if you have an paid hosting you will get better response time

I don’t have paid hosting, Can I use free hosting?

Yeah you can…but there might be some limits

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Please some make a guide on vertical scroll handler’s

Here are the documentation

If guide is possible then make I didn’t understand how to use I already seen the documentization

Just tell me how can I know that focus is at bottom ?

When reach bottom load more items​:slightly_smiling_face: