Creating a Custom Search Bar

I have created a search bar in my app. I have used Material icons for the search icon and here are the blocks for searching

I have checked all the text from the textbox, you can also check each keyword one by one from the list.

@Aditya_Singh Your method is good.
But no need to use ’ if component ’ unless you have more than one textbox.
Why are you setting ColinTreeList View when no result found.You are just increasing app size.
And the big one problem… app will stop if you have a large list because function will first check list and then create elements list and then set list.Use ’ add element ’ block.

Can you show me your app?

You can use ColinTree’s AutoCompleteBox extension for that. You will only see the results which starts with text you typed. (like Google’s search box).

You can find download link and sample here:


Thank you very much bro

bro it’s not working…

Did you tried? And what is the error?

Extension Upgraded.

Still same answer…

From where i can get ColinTreeListvlView extension

Try to search in the community.
You will find this:-

Bro This app is not developed on Kodular It is developed with Android Studio

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what is this find click do? is that button

Sir i did what you told me, but I’m getting a problem :sweat: when their is nothing in textbox it still shows listview.
Please watch the video.

Here are my blocks.

@fabioes @vknow360 @yusufcihan If you have time, please test my aia, test.aia (277.4 KB)

Don’t know if this is what you want SearchBarTest.apk (5.1 MB)


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I have exhausted my daily data, will try it at 12pm​:blush:

I tried to do this it didn’t work as I expected it to work need some more work in this actually was testing some easy way to search items from spreadsheet.

searchbar (1).aia (64.5 KB)


I really appreciate your help. Thank you. may God bless you and your family. I was searching it from last 2 months​:innocent::innocent::innocent:
Will you provide me .aia?

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@Boban it is really appreciable.

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