How to display ads in a list

Hello, how are you?
I need a little help.
I have a list with several books

but I wanted every 4 items on the list to show an admob ad? how can I do?

This is the article you should read…

The only components of kodular in relation to AdMob are banners, intertitials and rewarded!
How do I place a native ad on Kodular?

Simply you can’t…At lest for now.

I hope, above screenshot cleared your confusion.

I know there are native ads in admob, all i’m saying is that in kodular there are no components that allow us to display them

Create a listview with 4 items, then add an Admob Banner component

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I don’t think this is a good idea and also this is not the right way to do so.

I will tell @Diego. It was his idea :grin::grin::grin::grin:


The idea is some how good but not practical enough and also not efficient for the app performance.

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I haven’t tested it but does the app keep working just fine when you more elements into the list view or does it run out of memory at some point and crash?
I mean it’s not a recycler view. It should crash at some point, right?