How to display Columns retrieved from Airtable?

Hello, i have create a sample short of data restore in airtable stored in 3 columns , Name, Mobile and Email
sending data from app is working good.
question 1 : label 4 is invisible but cannot show success message after submitting data ?!
question 2 : how to display list of columns spreadsheet from air table in the second screen, i have tried many ways but i just got blanc page, this is my blocks

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send me aia and i will arrange that for you, because we have to make new app to show you all, so better to work in your aia


Hello, Sure am sending Data_copy.aia (4.8 KB)

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Here is your fixed Aia,

Data_copy_fix.aia (6.9 KB)

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Thank you @ImranTariq it is working i will check it more

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