How to find out, if GPS already has been enabled?

when I enter the app, I use the following command to set the location: “android.settings.LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS”, the question is that it is setting whenever I enter the app, what is the test for not setting again?

I’m not sure, if I understand the question…
but what about using TinyDB?

I also tested it with TinyDB, when I first enter the application it tests if I already have the permission, if it doesn’t have the permission it is granted in TINYDB.
The point is that I disabled the location for testing, and as it was already recorded in TINY, it does not enable it again. I need to test whether localization is enabled.

to find out, if GPS already has been enabled, check the LocationSensor.ProviderName property, see the example “Get Available SSIDs” here App Inventor Extensions: WiFi | Pura Vida Apps


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Thank you, your help was very helpful.

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