How to fix ProKoder Ineligibility

oh :joy:

Yes I agree…100%


I am ready for procoder, pls give me badge


Why you are demanding for that :joy:
You are regular already. ProKoder is not a must.

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Regular has higher value than prokoder?

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ProKoders have few more privileges than Regular although both have same trust level.

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I’d never said Regular is better

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And “Habitual” ? :rofl: What does it mean ?

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It means u r having an over Dose of this community​:joy:

Ohhhh !!! Is this the meaning? :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Yup… 135/100​:joy:


Also to note;

ProKoder ≠ Regular.

“Regular” is a trust level of Discourse. So if Discourse detects you are inactive for a long time, you will lose the “Regular”.
“ProKoder” is a group/badge. It is manually given by Kodular staff.


And Habitual ? :joy:

so when will i get pro koder badge?

When you get 150/100 days visited (and all items are OK) Into your , unlock TL3 and Kodular Staff selected you to be ProKoder

@bestprintsf what?? I have visited more than 5 months :neutral_face: :unamused: :unamused: it got struck at there

@Xoma it is already stated that when you reach 150/100 u will be awarded with regular badge
But prokodder badge is awarded manually by kodular staff… They will check your behavior, contributions and many other criterion when you fulfill all the requirements then they will award you with prokodder badge

Until then u will be a regular having some controls like editing posts, mark solution, making wiki etc


I answered it above, u will get only if staff select u to be one. Its is totally staff decision and isn’t compulsory

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But why the days are not increasing :neutral_face: :unamused: @Deepanshu_Arya

That’s Discourse methods of counting

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