How to fix Screen orientation problem?

my app have 3 screens and all are portrait mode but when app open it show first landscape then portrait . how to solve that ?

Use This Free Extension otherwise paid extension available

yes i use this extension

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I Don’t Know if it will work for you or not,
If you have not selected any specfic Screen orientation, from screen option then select to “Portrait”.
Mine too was the same problem but after doing this , it has been working correctly.

Even if you set Portrait, same issue persist. Because this is a known bug.

What issue? Can you tell , Let me check in my app.

Enable screen auto rotation in your phone and hold it in landscape mode and open your app, it will open in landscape mode for few seconds then it will rotate to Portrait.

This is the bug.

Even if we set screen rotation to Portrait in our app, it changes rotation as per phone orientation.