[How to fix] Zip Path Traversal ERROR

Look friend I’m not sure, but I published other apps recently and the error did not appear, and the apps were with ads, it may have had a correction by kodular or google, try to publish and at the end, see if the error appears.

Hola me sale esto al sybir el archivo a google play,: Directorio transversal de ZIP

Tu aplicación tiene un patrón de descompresión de ZIP no seguro que puede originar una vulnerabilidad del directorio transversal. Consulta cómo solucionar el problema en este artículo del Centro de Ayuda de Google.

  • com.startapp.android.publish.adsCommon.a.g.a

podeis ayudarme a solucuionarlo

Translation added by Mod

Hello I get this when I download the file to google play: ZIP traversal directory

Your application has an unsafe ZIP decompression pattern that can lead to a directory traversal vulnerability. Learn how to fix the problem in this Google Help Center article.

can you help me to solve it
Thank you

ZIP Path Traversal

앱에 경로 순회 취약점을 일으킬 수 있는 안전하지 않은 압축 해제 패턴이 포함되어 있습니다. Google 고객센터 도움말에서 문제해결 방법을 확인하세요.

  • com.startapp.android.publish.adsCommon.a.g.a

–Please solve it in Kodular.

Please respect the forum rules and post only in English. There is already a topic about this.

I try to publish a new version of my app which contain an Admob banner and it’s still not working.

hi has been solved?

Hello good afternoon,
My name is Alberto, did you manage to solve this Zip path traversal problem? Or do you know of someone who solved it?

@Kodular Please look out for this issue and try to resolve it as soon as possible otherwise many google developers accounts will be disabled soon. Its a kind request @Diego @pavi2410


And who doesn’t use it and still has the problem?

Any solution?

so, it really seems to me that it is related to the ads, although I am no longer seeing these errors if you have removed the ad blocks and update the app on the playstore

I also removed the admob banner and the zip path traversal warning disappeared, but what are we going to do? because I believe that I try you as I need the ads… I asked a member of the kodular team, but I didn’t get an answer. What will we do ?

so these days ago I posted an app with the startapp ad block I didn’t see this message, I’m not sure if they fixed it or if google removed the warning, post some update to test if it works for you too.

Oops! I will try too!

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it doesn’t work

have you got any answer or solution???

Why show this error in google play console. Would you solve this problem rapidly? My 2 apps have the same error plz try to solve the problem. I don’t get any way in kodular community.

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Hello everyone, I also had the same problem, but when I removed the banner admod the error disappeared, however the insterstitial is working normally, so much so that my application was published in 24h.

Hello, I have the same problem , and also need ads for my app. Please provide a decent solution and thanks in advance , Kodular team!

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I removed my ad unit from adMob and then the error disappeared… I opened an adManager account and am waiting to use the adManager unit. From what I understand the adMob block will be out of kodular soon… new apps should already be with the adManager block. Go to kodular docs, guides, monetization for details. I hope this is the solution.