How to get row no. of a given data

No everything is correct
If I create a new row it works but this code is not working
It is not getting values
Please help

Is your list element visibility is on?

Yes if i myself enter value of variable value then it shows
But it dont show airtable data automatically

Show ur AT struture

Here is the structure

Kindly dont leave any emptydata in any cells fill all cells with any data like(-) and try it will work

Accordingly if you have empty data getting airtable data is not at all possible

@Japanjot as said here it was your problem. The problem is on your database not on his logic man.

The main problem is, as said above, you have called wrong column name . Your exact column ne ID but you called Id, then how will you get data???

Thanks @kidular

In desktop it is Id only
but if we see in mobile phone it shows all letters in capital
@kidular solved my problem but @Still-learning thanks a lot to you also for giving be blocks to get airtable data in list view

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