How to Link a Listview item to a url

Recently I had to make an app that would receive a json and in that json among the options there was a title and url.

I made a listView with the options coming from the titles.

Now I just had to make the listview element, when selected, correspond to the download link.

Using the download component I created the block below that links the listview element with the specific url because the listview index is the same as in the list that I created through the JSON decoding component

In my case I needed to assemble the url because the data provided by the Json came in the format: “wixsite://v1/…link…pdf/…l%in%Dk.pdf”, and that made the invalid url.

I made this mini tutorial to help anyone who may be having this difficulty.

OBS: The app isn’t ready yet, because I’m still going to improve its appearance but the functionality I needed is working 100%

Glad you figured the way to do it, but this works only in your case where you get values from a specific api and as you know there is a much easier way to get url’s

So since I believe this won’t help anyone else unless he uses same api I close topic and unlist it