Yes, but after storing to firebase, it spits out (a b (c d)). I think it is because the new list is appended to the old list.
Everything right! ?
I don’t think it will work.
method is used to add string to end of old string so I can’t say it will work with lists.
Maybe you can try other method.
I would like to see your blocks.
Isn’t this a list block?
Me too.
I see. Ok, let me think of something. But I am still curious about the alphabet replacement though
What’s DC?
Daily Challenge.
I see. ok. Yeah I am studying it
The plan is, if (a b(c d)) gets converted to ((a b) (c d)), even in text format, I can save it to a variable, I can manipulate it like a list of lists right?
Try this one:
Wow, thanks. Let me replicate it
What are the inputs for “string”,“segment”,“replacement” and “occurance”?
You can use the procedure like this:
No sorry. All fine. Silly me.
No you are not silly.You were right.