I make a app I want to add like button when anyone like post then it’s get turn red in dynamic component please help me.
Like this
On all three buttons you use “Font Type” Material Icons with font size 22 and change the “Text” for each button.
In this way the button will change icon and color when it is clicked.
I make button in bynamic component
Add the same procedure but in When any button clicked. Also one if condition. i.e call dynamic component 1 is Dynamic component (component)
Here is aia related to this like system
Here is apk
Related_Video (2).apk (5.4 MB)
Here is aia file
Related_Video.aia (39.9 KB)
And here is the link to airtable that I made
It works but when I close app then button cloure change it turn again white colour button PLEASE help me please
wait i will ad that also ok then it will not become white
Thank you so much
Sorry I am new to kodular
Can you help me for make a share button in bynamic component
I have replied you, you can do that process
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