How to make any arrangement pure circle

No it cannot be a transparent color

then its not usefull for me

Show what You Want.

yes exactly

yes ,how can i do this?

This one I did, because a community user saw this screen in dribbble and He wanted to do the same. I did and showed that it was possible. The Component above are CardViews and Arrangement with the extension :

i have tried this extension not useful for me
cant use transparent color in this extension

The round and transparent components are CardViews.

but cardview dont make pure circle

i want a tranparent circle so i can put it over an circular image to give color effect

What is “pure circle”? Can You show us ?

exactly like circular one

Above , ARE 4 CardViews

but how will i make pure circular to card view
guide me to make cardview circular

Just put a card view with corner radius and test,also set the padding to 0

He suggested it. Place the Round Corner property high (80, 90)

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see differce

red circle is made using cirular progress extension but i cant change the color of it its bug in this extension

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