How to make list view on notifier

alright thanks

Ohk… i didn’t know about that because i have searched about this before and there was not any solutions so i was sure that its not gonna click on that to take to Gmail

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Email Codes: <a href="mailto:EMAILADDRESS">
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Hi am still having issues with the email link, can you write a full working link for the this?

This code is perfectly working: <a href="mailto:YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS HERE">

Please let me know what problem are you fetching.


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@asimjib93 Can you put it in full, like the second code you presented to me, because i have tried everything i know, but it’s still not working. Thanks for your help so far.

and pls also try testing it first, to be sure it’s working. Thanks.

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Btw, I forgot to place an <br> tag between Item 2 & 3.

sorry can you just write it out for clarity, cuz i can’t see the blocks test completely

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Thanks it’s working well, i also observed that the link will only be functional if you use the CUSTOM MESSAGE DIALOG block and not the SHOW MESSAGE DIALOG block

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