You can make a complete listview with image using the API
look at this guide created by @themaayur. 5 Different Listviews using Dynamic component Extension | Guide
But I haven’t written that guide.
You should check once again.
Ooops sorry.
I am using custom list view Extension by deephost
What you have tried yet
Can you provide screenshots or aia file
i can’t provide aia file. because it contains paid extension
I can also do this in colintree listview
How can we do like this in colintreelistview
I want to create list with youtube video ID
just set list with colintree listview and when colintree listview
In this type of list view, need to make list seperately with thumnail url and Title. Then loading time is high . That’s why I want to make list with YT video ID.
Is there any possiblity to make list view, getting thumnail and title from YT video ID or URL
By using this guide it is possible just use some extension for getting thumbnail tittle and on click on the card open another screen with yt player with start value of ID.
If possible then I will post it here. Till then you must try.
I will try
ok, thankyou.
Is there any extension or method to get video Title by using YT video ID
You can try with yt api.
I tried,
I got thumnail by using this URL{insert-youtube-video-id-here}/hqdefault.jpg
How to get Title from video ID.
Can you tell me how to use yt api for title @themaayur
How to i get title from youtube videos id