How to position ads using blocks?

My app has too much componenets, that is why setting position of ads at bottom is too tough. How can i use blocks to set position at bottom of screen?

You can do it manually there is no block for that.
Simple is that invisible all components then place ads and then visible them .

i am already doing so, my app is too much full of componenets and this way is not working. It always shows here and there

So there is no way by doing it by blocks. You have do it by own

If there are a lot of components, can’t you put them over two or more screens?

I don’t know what your app is but generally speaking too many things on a screen can be information overload. You know your own app best and I think you should consider making things as easy as possible for users. If people are turned off by your app it won’t earn anything anyway.

this app has 1 million downloads

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Wow, that’s awesome.

Can you post a link to it please? It sounds like a great app to have.