How to reduce Airtable data Loading Time

Could anyone please be patient.

I don’t think there is really anyway to speed it up besides having like no data in your table.

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I’m not sure but will look into the problem.

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Did you look into it?

I got the same problem, it’s really annoying for me that when I load from Airtables it freezes my app for about 5 sec before the data loads. I don’t have alot of data to collect, maybe 40 cells total.

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load your files with when screen initialze and safe the data into a gloabal variable. So the user has enough time until to get the data. I load more as 1000 Items from airtable in a list. Without a problem but i pay for airtable too.


I do save them into global variable. But I did manage to reduce the time by adding the pictures/icons I use into the app, instead of loading from URL each time. So that reduced the loading time from 5 sec to 1,5 sec :slight_smile:


OK sounds great what you mean with URL you put in airtable cell the URL from an Image like and in the app you load the Image from the given URL. Is this right

That is what I did, but now I just downloaded the icons and added du Assets. So now it loads magnificent faster!

Yes thats right you have less to load so its faster but your app gets biggger. If you want to safer Disk Space than load the image in the app with a low resolution so that your habe have only a few KB. After you build your APK you can chnage the low resolution picture with the high resolution Picture. This will safe a lot of Disk Space. I load in my app only black and white picture with the lowest resolution what is possible in the online converter. so my pic havae normaly 10 KB or so. After i build the APK is change this pic with a pic with a half MB or so. I hope this will help you a bit. Because ifg you need more pictures than you 20 MB Limmit is quick over

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My icons/images is around 10kb, so until now it’s no big deal :stuck_out_tongue: But thnx anyway for tip :wink:

Airtable Loads data just fast like other but the problem is when we load any images from the Web Then thn it takes a lot time to view especially is we are using Material CardView Extension.

Solution :

If u are not using the Material CardView then the Best Solution is to use Glide in App & The Extension below have it in them:

  1. AsyncImageLoader by Collin
  2. PedrozaGilde Extension by @CarlosPedroza27

And if u wanna to show to data in cardView then I suggest you all to use GridCardView Extension which is Paid by @Kus_Zab which have glide added with CardView.


Is there any free way?

Great @Techy_Rakshak, btw i will like to know if there is any way to async image load in a list view with card view on it. as im working with news app, list view is better for me than gridview.

im heaving same problem as you

Hi David,
You can use CollinTreeList View BUT one problem with it doesn’t show the image correctly. mean shuffled incorrectly…
So, personally i would recommend you to use GridCardview Extension by @kuz_Zab

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Please help me also because i also looking this probmlem

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If I load 8 different column than it takes like 10 sec :expressionless:

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Do something like this


Use a base, had two tables (man, woman), two columns each, in total would be 4 components of Airtable, and use only one I made the process.

Use the CardView extension, which I need to improve. Who is the developer?

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I paid for an extension yesterday and did not receive it.

Welcome @Titu-Dumitru_Rascol It’s totally #off-topic here.
You must contact the Developer in that case. Do check your mailbox maybe there’s something :wink:

I addition, you are answering / asking in a very old topic. I’ll close this.

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