How to save special characters (such as ç , í , ü , etc) in Airtable

When we want to save the contents of a text box and type words that contain special characters, such as accents, these are stored in airtable with signs that cannot be read.

We see that the data is saved in the following way:


To solve this we must do two things:


Use the Uri.Encode block of the web component

Save the data encoded with that block

Something like this:


When we obtain the data from airtable, to the variable that receives the data we have to put the Uri.Decode block.

If we get a whole column, we should do it like this:


In this example in “global getConcepto” we get the list of the whole column with the characters correctly.

I hope it’s useful!!


You are an airtable master…:smile:

Buena guía!

Good guide!

How to convert unicode code?

I want to save special characters like (ä, ö, ü, and others) (e.g. Theodor Pörtner Haus) in Airtable. In the picture you can see the results. But I need an “ö” in the table. Does the encoding work for anyone or does someone have another idea?


Unfortunately with web encoding you won’t be able to see this special characters in your airtable spreadsheet and there is no solution for that . I know it cause I have also the same problem with Greek characters. This is how my spreadsheet looks but at least when data received from airtable everything looks ok


then I stop experimenting
Thank you very much

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Good morning, will you have an aia file as an example?


Teacher you solved it?

How can I use the decode block here? If I use it behind the select list index block then items in listview become unclickable… Encoding and Decoding is working, but items are not clickable… Please help.

Tags removed by Mod

Please do not tags mebers in order to get attension. Use web uri decode before select list item list block and move all green blocks outside the loop

There is another issue!

Its done, i have added listview elements block after the loop “each number” but still listview items are not clickable.

why listview items are not clickable after decoding?

Outside the loop, inside local variable

yes, but still listview items are not clickable

I have a link behind every item of listview. Using activity starter to open that link, if I am not using encoding and decoding then airtable doestn’t accept “Hindi” language and “emojis”, that why I use web component. Now decoded items in the listview are not clickable. Do you understand anything?

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