How to show DATE in Lis View component dd / MM / yyyy format ?. It just shows me a string

In google sheet, click format>more format for date and time

Then select your desired one.

Welcome @Emiliano_Esteban To The Community :wave: :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for your answer but the problem is in the way it shows in List View. Because later if I modify other data such as the phone in edit screen it changes the date to a string and it cannot be changed in spreadsheet

In such case use array formula to convert any format of date and time into fixed format for gsheet. But the array formula of first cell should not dele at any cost

I already tried that option and the problem is that it writes me 1000 results in Google Sheets until the end and also List View.

Did You try clock block ?

Do not try in the same cell. When result added, use UNIQUE formula and it will store the values into another cell whenever data comes. In that colum you try to add this array formula

Store Data like this

And Use The block to decode

Could you explain a little better how I could adapt it to my blocks?MyBlocks1

Wait a few moments

Try this

I will take it into account to see the data in google sheets but the problem is that List View only shows text string and I need to see it as date dd / mm / yyy or mm / dd / yyy

I’m going to try it now.

Watch The date in google sheet (edited from photoshop) :point_down: :point_down:

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It keeps showing me a text string like this: Mon Jun 14 2021 03:00:00 GMT 0000 (GMT)

Are you read it carefully?

Now I understand, let me taste it good

You are storing the date manually in gsheet or by any process?

Could you give me an example of how to extract the @ from: 16 @ 06 @ 2021 using the UNIQUE formula?
I’m trying but can’t figure it out

I keep trying this, it seems that it will work, I need more time to respond well