Hello i want to show specific details to specific user like order id or etc by using spread sheet or airtable.
then use gviz method of calling data from spreadsheet or use api enuiry method if you use airtable
gviz is an abbreviation for Google Visualization API which is used to access google sheets and google charts, among other things. In this tutorial we will focus on getting and querying data on google sheets, to work with or display this data in...
if you have multiple column and want to get only selected five column, then use this formular
Replace all the caps with your values
if you want only certain amount of records then use &maxRecords=REQUIREDNUMBER at the end of the formula
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I asked by default it should visible. Not when user calls the data
For example : when we bought an item on any ecommerce application the they will show our order status, Like this i asked