How to solve this "The blocks area did not load properly. Changes to the blocks for screen 6056799776014336_Screen1 will not be saved"?

suddenly I get this when open my aia “The blocks area did not load properly. Changes to the blocks for screen 6056799776014336_Screen1 will not be saved”

what happened?

Can you describe your issue briefly?

when I open my aia, there is a notification “The blocks area did not load properly. Changes to the blocks for screen 6056799776014336_Screen1 will not be saved”

all my block disappear

it is really broken :cry:

No, not really…

Lately lots of users are getting this, wonder why…

I can give you the same advice as I gave others…


  • Load a backup
  • Edit your aia file

if I don’t have backup, it will be crazy work again :cry:
I have built my project for 2 years

Five of my apps has this problem, mainly because of the Phase extension. Till now, I can’t edit them.

I don’t upload a new extension. I just edited some block (variable and procedure) 2 days ago.
I think it is not about extension because my another project with the same extension used doesn’t has a problem like this

Wow, two years and no backup, now you have learned a hard lesson…


I also Got this issue

Solution : Steps

1. Export Project aia to pc
2. Delete a project from the creator
3. Clear kodular.creator cache and cookies
4. Reload​:arrows_counterclockwise: and import the aia


If you found it helpful then drop alike, and also mark it as a solution.

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Since you know what the issue is, help this two users as well then


do you mean clear kodular creator cache and cookies in browser?

it doesn’t work

Clear the Whole Browser Data i you can then go for it

A post was split to a new topic: Will i able to publish on google play?