i want when favorite button clicks the text should store in favorite list and icon change to filled heart.
I hope you are using dynamic component, if so get id of the clicked component and save the label +id(clicked id) into tinydb as well as the button + id(clicked id) and in screen initi just call this tinydb tag and do the rest. Here is half of your code
not working for me… i am using dynamic components but my screens are different… from which i have to make favorite and where the favorites have to be shown.
If so then it is so simple. Upon clicking the button save the, as said above, dynamic label texts into tinydb as a list. Go to screen favourite. Call the same name space tinydb, depending upon the length of the list recreate the same dyna compounds
can you please show…how to do this
please help in blocks
Send aia or show the full blocks to solve ur issues
Created two topics for the same query?