How to use chatview with firebase?

where is notification ??
i saw your youtube
but i dont have.
please tell me where

Please @vknow360 make you aia available directly from your site or from here but not via a lot of obscure clickbait sites.

I am sorry for that @Peter :frowning:
I will add direct link to it as soon as I open my laptop.

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Hi @wbkcreater welcome to Kodular Community
Sorry but I not able to understand what you have written

No worries. Thanks that you changed it. :+1:


please provide input to improve my block code.
I have no problems with text messages. but in the picture message when sent, the picture can be displayed in chat view. but when I change screen and return to the chat screen, the picture message is no longer displayed.
I ask for guidance to fix my block.
thank you…


Hi @farrykawengian
Can you send me a test Apk?
Otherwise ChatView needs some time to load image from URL.
So I think it is an issue with ChatView although I am not sure.

thank you for your response. I initially thought it took time to display the image. but after waiting up to 30 minutes, the image still cannot be displayed.
I am ashamed to send an example of the apk to you because the project I am working on is very chaotic. many screens that I made to try the procedure for displaying images.

Just send me as small as possible apk having that issue.

This is the chat project APK file that I created. I ask for guidance to correct errors in my block. CKChat.apk (6.0 MB)

Sure…i will test Apk when i open my laptop.

facing error on imported screen,

Thank you.
The screen you are looking for is ‘Chat’ or something like this (i am very good in remembering names)

you can also view that screen by importing easy dialog extension

there are 3 screens in it, screen1, chat and ImportD490HB,
on start i am facing this error,
unable to find component easydialouge while loading project,
and screen ImportD490HB, is showing error.

I know that.
I have removed that screen using 7-zip but I am far away from my laptop so I can’t update AIA at this time.
But I will do as soon as I open my laptop.

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ok thank you, one user needed that and he is asking me to fix this in my pm,

@ImranTariq fixed :+1:

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ok thank you, i inform him to download now

I took the file and tried it.
It is stored differently by ID in Firebase.
So I chat alone.
How do I solve it?

Can you elaborate more?