unable to place lottie inside or under for canvas…
you can’t place lottie inside Canvas
you can use OverlapView
Block to show videoplayer and lottie over(inside) the canvas
thanks aryan… it’ll very helpful if u can provide demo aia for this solution as u said plz
here is the link
I don’t think people read the post fully. They are asking how to put GIFs on or under a Canvas. Before answering the question, consider if it has that ability
@Tekwizer Your solution would not work. You would’ve known that if you read the question AND the posts you’ve given instead of just relying on titles.
we can do this by using a canvas inside arrangement and then, use OverlapView Block on arrangement.
I don’t think you understand what the extension does.
what the extension does ??
but i am telling about this block
Olverlap View (
Through this block it is possible to overlap any visible component on another
mainComponent ~ component
childComponent ~ component
Have you tried this?
Ok thank you, and sorry.
Do not say ‘Sorry’. Thanks is enough.
BTW, i need help . i am getting a error. i just PM you
Hey you can check on pura vida apps.There you can find GIF player extension.And you can make a custom lottie file with mp4 to lottie converter
I was just trying to help
like for me in image component gif came but idk for canvas but if i am right it will be for sprites as well . theres no need of floating views then . for video u will have to use the floating view . why not try gifs . make it loop one time . i guesss it is possible in here .
better use gif . i think itz better . is there any other way with dynamic images etc