I got a runtime error

hey koders ,
I got a runtime error

What to do to solve it

there are many screens in app and if i post .aia file it won’t be easier to find error so the screen that haves error is posting download it on
bossadmin_main.ais (22.7 KB)

Error is happening when this screen initialize

please look at it

i think so that something that needs a value but value is empty
is it that?

what are the extensions you are using in this screen?



thanks i was going to take screenshot thanks @Boban

Really you are amazing us… How did you able to know the extensions being used in it? unable to add to any project… Any tricks you are using?? Great… :+1:

I got it now…

Which procedure is it supposed to run here

this one

oops i thinks that last block did you notice it
Screenshot (56) (1)
there is a value stored with same tag but value is empty text

is problem caused due to this

i have noticed that this error appears 2 time repeatedly

this block only causes the error


i simply tested with random user name like this and got notification like this,


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