I got a web view problem after upgrade kodular 1.4

Before update kodular 1.4 my app is working fine but after update my app not working fine. I put webview to show the image data but the image that are shown not in the right place it show in the below that I had shown in the image… And I can’t change notifer background colour before update it’s working fine.i got the problem like this after update of kodular 1.4…I need help how to fix this problems.

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Can you please give us a more detailed report of the problem with WebViewer component?

Bro i put web view component in the top part of the layout to show the image data while export my app the image in the webview is not showing at the right place I mean in the top part of the layout. It show below part of my layout… Before update kodular it working in the right place… How to fix it.

I am also facing problem in webview plz solve it or give me access to old kodular version @Kodular

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Bro, how to fix this issue…


Yes, Problem found in WebViewer component… please solve this error