I need this type extension

You don’t need for any extension just place this image in
1.vertical arrangement background image

  1. Take a vertical arrangement 2 and set there background color to #FFFFFF50 ( hope it’s create blur effect ). Take a try
    You can use this as @Mohamed_Tamer said
    I ned this type extension

  2. Drag in arrangement 2 .Take a image and set there picture to that image


What about blur image… How to create that.

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Image editor component have blur image effect…


Now that’s cool…


i need without giveing image path in extension only use image component

If you don’t give image path then how component show image.

I tried this with little logic

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It’s look like topic image . Good

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how to use with image loader extension

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Thanks… but I am unable to bring that background dark colour…
But if I tried I will be succeed…

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For what you want image loader extension.

First give a try with this simple logic then you know better how to use it

Place the image as the background image of an arrangement.
Then place another arrangement inside with color 0 0 0 128. That will make it black with 50% transparency.


i try to make video thumbnail recycler view but portrate video thumbnail not show properly

Thanks @Italo
Definitely I will try it… Thank you…

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Thanks @Mohamed_Tamer
Thanks @Italo

@dreemincome I think now you don’t need any extension for this…


how to create this

blocks & aia
Share.aia (2.1 KB)


i’m usng image loader or thear not have any path or url

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but why are you using image loader ? & there is a block for image url

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