I think there is bug in slider or image editing components

Hello everyone slider is not working properly and the thumb position is not giving exact position.

Well , i am using image editing components and try to adjust blur and other effect by using slider but it is not working as expected can anyone help me to fix this.

You can see that the value of slider is constantly changing to 1, 24, 44, 27 while it should be 0 when the thumb position reach to starting position. Please help

Show your related blocks.


blocks is simple but idk what’s wrong.

Try this

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no its not working,

Can you show the range setting of slider, Min, default & max value?

Maybe you can make scale of radius to 3 or 5 to see the different effect

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There is no bug…
is just fine

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can you provide aia or apk as you shown works fine with you but with same process its not working with me. If you provide me apk it will help me o figure out weather the problem is with my blocks or the mobile device i am using.Thank you/

leveltank.aia (28.2 KB)
Here you go the aia file

Since you said

And the difference from the working one and what I already suggested, Is what???

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