If kodular can bring block coding for game development

will kodular bring better and easy blocks for 2d games

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Oh… Kodular for Games
I am waiting for the day when
Kodular = Android Studio


What kind of games do you expect? There are some pretty cool games developed in Kodular like for example :point_down:

Edit: Explore the category #koded:games to learn more about the games that can be built in Kodular


There’s a lot of place for improvement in that area. I like how other platforms can define what each sprite can do or can’t, what kind of movement will do when collides with another, if it can overlap or not, to be able to move them out of the canvas, not rectangular edges bouncing, etc.

We can still do some of those things by coding, but being Kodular a little slow on the graphics part I found myself stopping some nice projects I had in mind.

But yes, even with those limitations, you can still come up with something really good and even profitable! (Flappy Birds was not made with a blocks builder but it can be done in Kodular without problems and made the developer millionaire!).


Also below are playlist of some more and cool game tutorials that can be made in App inventor and all similar distros by @azaotl

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But its tuft to create games with proper blocks for games, but extension developer can create extensions that can make easy to create games.
What i want ! I want to create a multi player 2D game like " Mini militia "

Yeah, that’s the thing, Kodular is not a game developing platform. It includes some basic tools for it but it’s not the main purpose. I would recommend you to install Unity. It’s free for any user who makes less than $100,000.

Thank for your advice, But i use kodular because i do not know any code language , like " java ". and unity need C# language.
any way thank you.

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