Image recognition help

i didnt understand server url
pls explain

pls tell me what i said
i said
i want an img recognition app which will tell more about the image u click
detailed information

It’s the url that you take from microsoft azure after paying which will be used when trying to get image decrition…

i want an img recognition app which will tell more about the image u click
detailed information without paying a single penny

is there an api key

mmm:…As far as i know there is four image recognition extensions:

  1. Tensor flow extension
    TensorFlow Lite Image Recognizer Extension (Artificial-Intelligence) [PAID] ( You must pay the developer )

  2. Microsoft image recognition: ( It’s free but you need to pay microsoft azure)

  3. Fruit detector extension:
    Your Kid Can Code a Fruit Detector with This MIT App Inventor AWS AI Services Extension | Hacker Noon (It’s free but you need to pay amazon aws)

  4. There is firebase image recognition also…I saw it before but didn’t try to use it…
    Image Labeling  |  ML Kit  |  Google Developers (It have a free version…But it have no extension…May be you can search for a way to communicate with)

  5. Look extension: ,That can classify image and video data…But it uses a web viewer…

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can i get link where u found it

Which one?

last one link

Here you are :
It’s app inventor extensions page…You might find other useful extensions there…

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what shall be there

can i also ask help if i need in coding?

what does
Tensor flow extension
TensorFlow Lite Image Recognizer Extension (Artificial-Intelligence) [PAID] ( You must puy the devoloper )
puy means

well i wont use as it isn’t working + it is paid

This is a guides of how to use the extension:
See here :
And here :

Of course you can ask the whole community if you needed help…But don’t forgot to search before asking…

spelling mistake :sweat_smile:

it’s working but you need to buy it…You only get a wrong file…aia or apk for example…What about giving a try for look extension provided by app inventor?..I already mentioned the link above

Thanks …Appreciate …will check

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You are welcome :heart_eyes:

Guys which Extension are you taking about :sweat_smile:
@Ekansh_Pandit never bought Extension from me nor he messaged me

So i think why he says: :sweat_smile:

it looks like he got a wrong file…Not your extension…


earlier i tried adding web viewer but it didnt work pls help.

i can see some effects but not camera and text