Impossible to build the app

Hi, i don t understand, it s impossible for me to build my app…apk or aab is same.

When i try Kodular Server Status 32, it s a black screen, on my phone too.

The message is construction faild, error writing to server or server busy try laterbwith an other app

Can you help me please ?

In future please search the forum instead of spamming. There are many topics about this already.

How can you tell this ?’ i read all the forum for this and try since 2hours to find a solution !

You’ve to wait till servers back online!

There are multiple topics about the servers being down. How can you miss them?

Hi, do you have the same problem ? It s like this in France since Yesterday

It’s like this everywhere. The servers are having issues. If you really did search the forum you would have known.

Since the servers are down, it affected users regardless the location!

don’t you think you could have told me that first rather than sending me packing?..really not cool!

Ok, thanks to answer me

Don’t you think you should have searched the community for an answer first? I still can see the topic about the issue on first page of community.

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Please be patient, there is no need for this, everyone wants the return of kodular and there is no problem in asking questions

There have been 6 topics created in the last 6 hours alone. One has 23 replies, and another 20.

Creating topics about issues when there are already multiple topics is spamming and completely unnecessary.

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You are right :+1::+1::+1:. We are not going to be hangry for this. Maybe i didn t take care of the date of the post. I read it but think it was an old one.


Working Fine…