Invoke: no method named `GetColumn' in class java.lang.Boolean

Clear your browser cache and try . If not go with chrome browser and try

any extension you are using?

I think you are using Spreadsheet Component am I right?

Yes, I’m using banner view.

Yes, but i’m facing this error after new kodular update.
What to do?

Wait till developer updates the extension or use

1 Like

I’m already using chrome browser,

Error is caused by the extension, if you searched the community you would have found it

Show your blocks

I never used this extension, but is this extension used SurfaceView? one of my extension used SurfaceView have the same error.

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Disable or del the surface view and try again


What is the solution the problem is still there

The extension must be updated to be compatible with the new version

The extension must be updated to be compatible with the new version
What is meant by extension?

Please Help

Please be patient and wait for a reply, don’t spam the topic asking for help.

[quote=“deanart2012, post:18, topic:134230”]
Please be patient and wait for a reply
[/quote]I will wait for your reply, thank you very much

Have you got solution for this ? Its happen to mee too,

Unable to do that if you can send a video route