Is Firebase down?

Yes I did check

Why Jio Is Not Supporting Firebase now
<----Disconnected----> :globe_with_meridians::link::man_technologist:

Is it working right now ?

It is still not working.

I have jio in my phone firebase as well as apps linked with firebase doesn’t working.

But my laptop connected with my phone’s hotspot, apps working in BlueStacks emulator but not firebase :thinking::joy::sweat_smile:

Hey , it is not working with Idea connected to the network . I just checked right now with idea enabled phone
I guess Firebase database is not working in India and not specific mobile networks in India

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I am from India and my phone is connected with Vodafone network and everything working in my firebase and app.

Idea and Jio are not working Right now , I guess.

Contact Google they will give you full information about this.

It is working when tried using VPN.

Is it working ?

How do i contact google abt this ? :thinking:

I Have Reported Firebase

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Thats great :raised_hands:t2:

Yes it’s working on VPN. When i try on vpn then the app and firebase both are working.

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I also report this problem to firebase :+1:

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Is Firebase also banned in India along with PUBGM?? :joy::grin:


Official mail received from Firebase…

Issue is with Reliance Jio network and they are working on it.

You can see the Firebase status updates here

Now check. Everything is working fine.


I faced database storage problem again ; ie i could not see the data in the firebase database . This recurring issue is not a good sign because users will face difficulties . Why is this happening often .

But that factor doesnot help when it comes to users right .? They check about the functionability of the app .