Is it possible to have an offline Kodular server?

in my kodular pops up this message: Server error: could not save one or more files. Please try again later! Dismiss

this is due to unstable connection but that’s not why I’m going to stop making my apps.
Is there any extension for kodular to work offline?
google drive type

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It’s not possible… Better go to appybuilder offline @Gliacomercial

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I recommend you to backup often, so you always can import the latest backup in case your project gets corrupted… see also MIT App Inventor 2 Tips – TWO DOG APPS

no, but there are App Inventor offline server available



I know you mean well but please don’t recommend that users should use AppyBuilder offline. AppyBuilder isn’t developed anymore, so users will get in trouble very soon when Google changes their demands for building apk etc.


Opps sorry for wrong suggestions
& thanks for correction @Peter

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