Issue found: Invalid Data safety section - Approved with Issues - Further Action Required - Your Data privacy and security declaration is incorrect

My App Not Collected to User any data like:email,phone numaber etc ! But Google Reject My App Data Safety Section!

they are saying “Your Data privacy and security declaration is incorrect”

App Type:
PDF Downloader and (Download File listed with listview component In-App)

Google Ad Manager

I’m use also OneSignal in my app! Please help how to solve this issues!

I’m try to filing Data Safety Section after 3 to 5 time they are same issues shareing “Your Data privacy and security declaration is incorrect”

i fill the Data Safety:


You should need complete device & location

I think you can set it from playconsole account.

Yes undarstand! but i dont collect any User Data!

Please Read first my Problem then try to solve! i know also its set from playconsole!

It does not matter how many times you try. Still,

Problem: As you’ve said,

, this is the main problem! Google play says your app is collecting some data types. i.e:

  • Your app is collecting one or more identifiers from device, such as IMEI, Device ID, Google Advertising ID etc.
  • Your app is collecting user’s precise location.

So, before you shout again loud, “My App Not Collected to User any data” , just follow the email sent by Google Play.

Hope it helps.

You have Ads in your app but you are trying to tell Google that no information is collected.

Sorry,now im understand! Actually i dont know Ads are collecting any user Data! thats why “How to filling my Data Safety Section?” can you help me?

Sorry… “How to filling my Data Safety Section?” can you help me?

Its simple, Go to your console account and then go data safety section of your app. Here you can set all the this according to warnning and as you want. Or set its collect location, device id, advertisement id etc like something.

im confued what i select or un select! any demo or tuitorial?

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Go to Policy > App Content on console and get started with data safety form.

You’ve to select two Data Types.

  1. Precise Location, which you’ll find under the Location data types.

  1. Identifiers, which you’ll find under the Device or Other IDs data types.


Choose them, declare them as Collected & Shared data types, where collecting these data types are mandatory and user does not have an option to opt out from this collection procedure.

Once done, submit the form.


thank you so much

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