It is possible to show different airtable data in one dynamic list view

Hello Everyone , I want to know how to show different airtable table data in one dynamic list view
Means if user click bollywood then Show bollywood table data then if usse click hollywood then show hollywood table data in same list in single screen

Please always provide your example blocks so we can understand what you have did.

you ask the same thing again

Data is being loaded from the spreadsheet and is also shown in the list view, but when I click back from the list view and then select another table again, that data is not shown in the list view but in the card view ID error is shown.

because before recreating the dynamic objects you have to delete the existing ones.


This method is not working for me
Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 12-54-51 Kodular Creator
when i click back button he removes all the list which is created using dynamic component 1
or if i uses this block
Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 12-55-18 Kodular Creator

then show me this error

Check this video

This problem

Please help me

This block is not working , see the first video